Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Birth Story

Here's the short version of Max's birth story, for those who are interested:

I woke up at about 3 am on Tuesday, November 2 with what felt like stomach cramps. Since I've never given birth before, I assumed these were Braxton Hicks contractions (or as Josh calls them, Toni Braxton contractions). I worked a full day, then went to my piano lesson, and then picked up Josh downtown. (Josh had started his new job at the Archdiocese of Seattle the Friday of the week before, so this was his third day on the job.) 

The two of us drove to Bellevue to have dinner with friends we met through my brother, Carl. Matt and Anjuman have two kids, Anya (7) and Rohan (2).  Since Rohan has outgrown a lot of his toys, clothing, and even his crib, they offered us all of this stuff. 

We had finished dinner (Indian food, yum!), taken a tour of the hand-me-downs, and were drinking tea in their living room when I got up to use the restroom and while I was in there, my water broke. After a quick call to the midwives, Josh and I headed to the hospital where we spent the night. I think Josh slept; I didn't. I was definitely feeling the contractions, but apparently they weren't progressing as the midwife and doctors felt they should, so they gave me some pitocin to get things moving at around 5 am. It took a couple hours for my active labor to start, but then I progressed really "quickly" according to people who have done this before.  By 11 am I was pushing. By 11:44 Max emerged blue, tiny, and perfect. He weighed 5 pounds and 15 ounces, and was 18 1/2 inches long. 

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